Student Voice
At Frankston Primary School we value student voice and recognise the importance of encouraging our students to shape their education by engaging and participating in their learning and actively contributing to decision making processes by influencing and putting forward their views, concerns and ideas. Student voice allows our students to engage, participate, lead and learn throughout their educational journey at Frankston Primary School.
Student Representative Council
Our school has an active Prep to Grade 6 Student Representative Council (SRC). At the start of every year, all classes conduct formal discussions about the role and responsibilities of our SRC and two class representatives are voted to take seat in the SRC for the year.
Key goals of the SRC are to:
- Provide an avenue for students to develop further responsibility across the school and build leadership skills
- Organise, coordinate and facilitate the running of whole school events such as ANZAC and Remembrance Day, Harmony Day, etc.
- To represent our school at out of school functions and services where appropriate, through which students may voice their opinions on any matters related to school issues
- To support fundraising, either at a whole school level e.g. organising a school disco or for charity organisations.
School Captains
School Captains (one boy and one girl) are elected from their Grade 6 peer body to represent the school in many events throughout the year, including running our whole school assembly every Monday morning.
House Sport Captains
House Sport Captains are elected from the Grade 6 peer body and are actively involved in supporting, encouraging and leading their school House Teams.
Our House Captains enjoy leading a wide variety of House Sporting opportunities throughout the year, including our highly successful Junior House Sports activities and 3 – 6 House Sports Day; as well as having a variety of roles throughout the year, including representing their School House at assembly every Monday morning.
House Sport Team Name & Colour
Grade 6 Leadership Development
All students in late Grade 5 apply for Grade Six Leadership positions which they take up in their final year of schooling. During their Grade 6 year, students undertake the many leadership roles and responsibilities within their leadership position and use this time to grow and develop their individual leadership skills – such as responsibility, meeting timelines and timeframes, organisation, communication, public speaking, team work and collaboration.
Leadership positions include roles such as – School Captain, SRC Captain, House Captain, Library Captain, Sustainability Captain, Arts Captains.
Grade 6 – Prep Buddy Program
A highlight of our Grade 6 Leadership Program is our Grade 6 – Prep Buddy Program. Every Grade 6 student looks forward to this very special role and responsibility.
Late Grade 5, students are matched carefully to our transitioning kinder-prep students – ensuring that every care is taken to ‘match’ each Grade 6 – Prep Buddy ensuring a long-lasting trusting and caring relationship. Throughout the year our carefully constructed Buddy Program takes place which ensures strong connections for our new prep students, and a caring mentoring and role modelling opportunity for our Grade 6 students.
Our Prep students talk about their Grade 6 buddies for the remainder of their time at Frankston Primary School!