Literacy & Numeracy
At Frankston Primary School we strive for educational excellence and provide a curriculum and learning and teaching practice that empowers our students to achieve their personal best in an inclusive, supportive and caring environment.
Frankston Primary School provides high quality instruction and learning programs with the aim to provide every child the opportunity to develop to his/her maximum potential in a supportive yet challenging environment.
Our school and teachers set high expectations and standards and strive to meet the individual learning needs of all students. Our teachers consider the knowledge, interests and abilities each student brings to the learning context, the skills and content taught from the Victorian Curriculum, how we can best support our students to learn (individual, cooperative groups, small groups and whole class instruction).
It is important to us that we provide a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students. We foster learning environments that support our students to achieve their personal best.
Literacy Learning
We follow the current dimensions within the Victorian Curriculum: Reading & Viewing, Writing, and Speaking & Listening. Within these broad areas, skills and strategies taught include:
- Reading texts with fluency and phrasing
- Exploring text meanings and developing the skills and ability to reflect and think critically in response to texts read
- Developing a broad range of strategies for reading
- Writing a range of text types through active involvement in the planning, composing, editing and publishing processes of texts
- Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and Handwriting
- Developing and demonstrating the appropriate oral language for particular audiences and occasions, including body language and voice
- Oral language development through a wide range of activities including oral presentations and performances
Our Literacy program encompasses an evidence-based Instructional Teaching Model that maximises student engagement and learning within every classroom. It also addresses the needs and interests of all students within the classroom through a range of individual, small group and whole-class activities. Ongoing monitoring of student achievement assists teachers to identify student needs and to set goals for future student learning.
Numeracy Learning
Frankston Primary School strives to create pedagogical rich classrooms that promote and develop young mathematicians, and believes that teaching mathematicians involves:
- A developmental approach to learning and teaching
- Learning and teaching that builds on the needs and knowledge of the individual student – differentiation
- Problem-solving / Investigative learning experiences
- Students in active learning processes
- Students using hands-on materials
- High focus on mathematical language
- Students working in flexible groupings
- Use of instructional games where appropriate
- Incorporates the use of ICT to help foster deeper mathematical thinking
Our Mathematics program incorporates a developmental approach to student learning where our teachers focus on students building on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, with these being revisited, strengthened and extended upon in later years in order to extend and deepen student knowledge, skills and mathematics understandings.
We follow the current dimensions within the Victorian Curriculum: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students are active partners in their learning process. They are involved in setting personal learning goals that enable students to form new ways of thinking about their learning and mathematics.
Frankston Primary School proudly supports the development and training of our Primary Mathematics Specialist teachers who work across our school supporting the development of high-level mathematics teaching in every classroom.