Camping Program

Frankston Primary School has a four year structured camping program from Grade 3 to Grade 6. Our camps consist of a three day, two night program. All camps offer our students a range of rich exciting learning experiences and challenging activities that promote independence, teamwork and positive peer relationships, as well as a high focus on building positive self-confidence and personal growth.

Outdoor Adventure Activity Camps

Adventure Camps consist of a variety of challenging activities that all students are able to participate in at their personal level. Activities can include high and low ropes courses, teamwork activities, high swing, day and night walks, canoeing, archery, and a host of other types of fun and engaging learning opportunities for students.

The emphasis is on fun and all students are supported and encouraged to participate in their personal best, with personal achievements being well celebrated.

Urban City Camp

A highlight for all of our 5/6 students is our biannual Urban City Camp, with a key feature including train and tram transport and seeing and visiting many iconic landmarks of our amazing Melbourne City.

Snow Camp

Frankston Primary School collaborates with our local Federation Schools and also runs an annual Snow Camp at Mount Buller for a selection of our Grade 5/6 students to attend. This is a much loved camp and provides 3 days of wonderful learning experiences for those students attending. Personal challenge and growth is the main focus of this camp – with students coming home with memories that last them a lifetime.

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