
Recess Sales

During recess twice a week our canteen operates for students to purchase set menu items. The menu is set for each of these days and varies each week, with parents being notified through our digital whole school communication platform, Class Dojo and the newsletter.

Menu items have included foods such as hot homemade sausage rolls, tomato soup and toasties, pancakes, nachos, warm milo, dip and vegetable sticks, dim sims, mini hot dogs, etc.

Our students love this opportunity for a little something special each week.

Lunch Sales

The school canteen may also operate from time to time catering for special student lunches – these are a regular highlight for our students!

Parent and Carer Canteen Volunteers

Our canteen operates on a much relied upon volunteer basis and we always look forward to any assistance from parents and carers. Assistance can be on a regular basis or when available. For further information about volunteering, please contact our school office – we would love to hear from you!

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