Vision & Values

School Vision

A school striving for educational excellence – empowering our students to achieve their personal best in an inclusive, supportive and caring environment.

Our Mission

  1. Build a connected and inclusive school community
    • Formed through positive, caring and supportive relationships
  2. Connect with our parent and wider community
    • Through strong communication and home-school partnerships, fostering high engagement and promoting parent and carer participation and involvement.
  3. Activate high level student literacy and numeracy achievement
    • Provided by a team of teachers committed to high quality instruction and catering for each individual students’ learning needs.
  4. Develop students’ personal and social capabilities and emotional resilience
    • Fostering self-management, empathy, pride in self and personal identity
    • Fostering happy, healthy and resilient students.
  5. Inspire student learning and creativity
    • Through a breadth of programs, learning experiences and extra-curricular activities
    • Through the development of student voice, agency and leadership – empowering students through collaborative decision-making processes as active participants throughout their schooling experiences.

School Values


To unite, work and connect together as students, teachers, parents and carers to ensure a happy and safe learning environment – We are Friends Learning Together.


To aim to accomplish something special through setting goals, effort, commitment and focus.


Having a positive mind-set – approaching all activities with self-confidence and to try our best at all times.


To show care and concern for other people and property as well as develop a sense of pride, self-esteem and personal identity.


The ability to cope and thrive in the face of difficulties, challenges or adversity.


Establishing relationships and friendships based on respect, trust and understanding and being considerate of other people’s thoughts and feelings.


To ensure everyone feels valued and respected as an individual.

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