Principal’s Welcome

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you, your child and your family to Frankston Primary School. I trust that you will find the information on our website informative and that this has given you a strong sense and feeling of what a vibrant and stimulating school community Frankston Primary School is.

We are a school striving for educational excellence – empowering our students to achieve their personal best in an inclusive, supportive and caring environment.

Your child’s educational journey here at Frankston Primary School will be developed and enriched through our school values – Community, Achievement, Positivity, Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Inclusion. Through these values we care for, unite, work and connect together; we achieve through commitment, focus and positive mind-set; we reflect resilience through difficulties and challenges; we develop friendships through respect, trust and understanding; and we foster within ourselves self-management, empathy, pride in self and personal identity.

It is a privilege to be the principal of such a wonderful school and I am very proud of our students and our dedicated staff.

We welcome you to our Frankston Primary School community and look forward to working in a strong home-school partnership with you in the education of your child.

Imagine – with all of your mind

Believe – with all of your heart

Achieve – with all of your might

Remember we are Friends Learning Together.

If you would like to find out more information about our great school and the extensive learning opportunities we offer your child, please call to make an appointment for a school tour.

Renée Kennedy

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