School Council

All government schools in Victoria have school councils. They are legally formed bodies that play a key role in setting directions of a school and influencing the education that the school provides for its students within the guidelines of the Department of Education and Training. Frankston Primary School Council is made up of a parent body, staff representatives and a co-opted community member. Participating as a school council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. The school council supports the Principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.

School Council:

  • is a focal point for decision making on governance school policies
  • is the governing body at the school
  • is a representative body at the school
  • is a representative body with a membership reflecting the important partnership between students, teachers and parents
  • is accountable to the local community.

School Council meets a minimum of eight times throughout the year and conducts an annual general meeting and annual reporting meeting in March. Positions open for parent nomination in approximately February each year, with each council member nominated and voted in, holding a council member tenure for 2 years. Office Bearer positions at School Council meetings can include President, Secretary, Vice President and Treasurer. The School Council may also hold School Council Sub Committees including Finance Sub Committee and Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee.

Frankston Primary School has an active and involved School Council who have been involved in many successful initiatives working with the school in recent times, including:

  • Acrylic surfaced netball and volleyball court
  • Renovated male student toilets
  • Whole school internal and external painting
  • Electric school community BBQ
  • Hall PA system
  • Davey Street frontage seating
  • LED front of school signage
  • Minor Capital Works Grant – soon to be renovated female student toilets

All questions in regards to the School Council can be directed to the Principal who resides in the role of Executive Chair of School Council.

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